St Clare's Primary School Thomastown West
Wellbeing refers to students’ cognitive, physical, social, spiritual and emotional development. At St Clare’s we provide a safe, supportive and nurturing learning community. We encourage students to reach their full learning potential by providing an environment that is inclusive and empowering.
We do this by:
Encouraging positive relationships between all members of the community, utilising the Respectful Relationships program
Collaboratively implementing a whole school approach to positive behaviour management
Explicitly teaching social and emotional skills, through the implementation of the Zones of Regulation Curriculum
Encouraging student voice and agency
Providing student leadership opportunities
Facilitating an engaging two year buddy program for our Prep and Year 5 students
Engaging a school counsellor and psychologist
Implementing the Alannah and Madeline Foundation esmart schools framework for cyber safety and the safe use of online technology

Child Safety
God knows us. God loves us. God wants us to be safe.
St Clare’s Primary School is committed to the safety and protection of all children as expressed in our commitment to child safety statement. We have clear and explicit guidelines that detail the shared school community expectations for child protection and safety. These are based on the recommendations of the Victorian Department of Education and Training from the Betrayal of Trust report and underpinned by the new PROTECT Child Safe Standards. Ministerial Order 870.
We empower children to be active participants in our community. We involve them when making decisions, especially about matters that directly affect them. We listen to their views and respect what they have to say. We promote diversity and tolerance in our organisation, and welcome students from diverse backgrounds. All who work or volunteer in our community must agree to abide by St Clare’s code of conduct, which specifies the standards of conduct required when working with children.

Positive Behaviour for Learning
At St Clare’s we are committed to creating a positive, inclusive, safe and supportive school climate in which all students can learn and develop. Our school has adopted an evidence based framework called ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ (PBL), which has been implemented to support the behaviour of all students. We have built our framework around the positive expectations of being a learner, respectful and responsible.
We believe that behaviours need to be explicitly taught, modelled, practised and rewarded. The teaching staff at St Clare’s actively teach all students about our positive expectations and encourage students to live these out in their daily interactions. Reminders of our positive expectations are visible all around our school. Students are positively acknowledged for enacting our school wide expectations, through the school newsletter and at assembly.

Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning is about learning how to manage feelings, manage friendships and solve problems. These are essential life skills that support wellbeing and positive mental health. Social and emotional skills promote children’s ability to cope with difficulties and help to prevent mental health problems. At St Clare’s, children are given opportunities to develop skills which promote resilience, emotional and self-regulation, problem solving and the ability to make good choices, which impact on their relationships with others.
Explicit teaching of SEL is integrated through all facets of the curriculum utilising a variety of programs including, but not limited to; Zones of Regulation; Social Thinking Curriculum; Rights, Responsibilities and Respectful Relationships; Berry St Education Model and the Investigations/Inquiry process.

School Leadership Opportunities
There are various school leadership opportunities for students including:
School captains
RE leaders
Environmental team
Peer meditators
Wellbeing team
FIRE carriers (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education)
Class reps

Wellbeing Support
Some of the wellbeing supports offered at St Clare’s are:
Lego therapy
Animal therapy
Social groups
Zones of regulation curriculum
School counsellor
School psychologist
Speech pathologist
Partnership with Austin Health (CASEA)

Lunch Time Clubs
During lunch time, students can participate in a range of lunchtime clubs which include activities such as:
Lego construction
Board games
Book club
Chook Champs